Thursday, July 31, 2008

Pro & Reg Album Release Party

I got this from Pro in my box so I posted it up for y'all...

If you have ever been to a Proton and DJ Stretch Show, a Knomatik Show, a Pro&Reg show.If we have history in any form. We Need you on August 16th.

At noon on august 16th we are filming a video for the song "So Much Style" we will meet noon saturday august 16th at the ottobar 2549 n howard street baltimore md
we want everyone there, no matter where you are from and what style you rep, you can be in the video.
That is the whole point of the song.

That night is our record release party as well.

It is our record release party at the Ottobar.
We will go on stage at 11pm exactly (no time pushed back) After we perform it is a party with live music from
the live band Pasadena.

This is the only show that matters, this is a chance for you to get a copy of our full length album 3 months before the rest of the world.
This album will not be available online yet. Just through us or Soundgarden music store.

I have tickets now, please call me or email me back here
443 745 2917

Make a weekend out of it Saturday August 16th Pro&Reg video shoot and record release party!
Thank you for your continued support

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A Baltimore Club Legend Passes Away

This Weekend Baltimore Lost DJ K Swift (92Q)

When you hear the news of certain people passing, sometimes we immediately go into denial. I felt that way three times in my life. My grandparents dying, Steve Irwin (Crocodile Hunter) and now RIP K Swift. Many of Bmore will never be the same. Our prayers and condolences goes out to her family and friends.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Bmore Original Radio In Big Music Issue

Peep the Bmore Original Radio write up in Bmore's City Paper "Big Music Issue". Props to Al Shipley and the City Paper staff!!!

"Excel's welcoming nature has had the unexpected side effect of helping to spread the popularity of internet radio in Baltimore well beyond his own site"

Friday, July 4, 2008


So Travis,from Gym Class Heroes, gives the scoop up at the Italian Ice spot.18 scoops Martha Faulkners!!

Get ready for Gym Class Heroes new LP:The Quilt.

Travis's Blog: